At the heart of a parish is the common love and worship of Jesus Christ. Our parish family is a unique and vibrant community of people who serve others and point people to the peace and love of God.
Joining Christ Church is not like being part of a club to attend, but is being part of a community of people who seek to celebrate and worship God, grow in our faith, and teach others to do the same.

Faith formation is a vital element of the Christian life. It is how we grow in knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ and the Church he gave us. A deeper understanding of our place in God's family can lead to a more intimate relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and then outward to our family, friends, neighbors, parish, and community. Such faith formation is not just for children, but for all of us as we grow as disciples of Jesus.
Click here to explore ways to be part of our Faith, Family, and Mission.
If you have trouble accessing and documents on this site, please contact us.
So many ways to find purpose and friends!
God gives each of us gifts and talents to glorify Him and to assist or bless other people. Members of our parish are expected to use wisely what God freely provides and to consider prayerfully how their gifts, talents, and resources fit into our mission and ministry.
There are many places to serve for a variety of backgrounds, age groups, interests, and personality types (social butterflies and wall flowers alike). If you have an idea for a new parish ministry, please share it with one of the clergy.

Baptized Members
Membership in the Church starts with Baptism by water in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Because we believe the Holy Spirit indwells a baptized person, we do not "re-baptize" ones desiring to join our parish; rather, we recognize their status as a baptized Christian. As such, they are welcome to receive Holy Communion and join in the discipleship and mission tracks of our parish.
Those who have never been baptized may receive this sacrament by sharing their desire to follow Christ, or a commitment to raise their child in the Christian faith, with a clergy member and/or meeting with Fr. Keith Allen to discuss the baptismal vows, service, and an appropriate date.
Confirmed Members
Following intentional training and discipleship according to the scriptures and Christian faith, the next membership step is Confirmation. This is a public declaration that the vows taken on your behalf as a baptized infant/young child are now affirmed as your own, or the declaration of an adult to confirm your faith into which you were baptized. The Bishop personally confirms one's membership into the Church and ordains each member for ongoing discipleship and mission.
People who have been confirmed previously in a different liturgical tradition may join Christ Church by reception, meaning they are "received" as a confirmed member with the approval of the Rector and the formal blessing by the Bishop. If you are a confirmed member in good standing of an Anglican Church, you may request that your membership simply be transferred to Christ Church via a letter from the former parish.
For more information on becoming a member of Christ Church, please call Amy Miller in the Church Office at 772.562.8670 or email us with your request.

A sacrament is an outward and physical sign of an inward and spiritual grace given to us by God.
At the core, sacraments are personal encounters with Jesus Christ.

Baptism declares one’s commitment to Jesus Christ and marks a full initiation into the Body of Christ. Infants, children, and adults are baptized in the presence of the congregation, family, and Godparents. Baptism with water is an outward sign of the inside regeneration of the spirit by God's grace, marking the person as God's own as a promise is made to pursue a faithful discipleship of Jesus Christ. Baptized children are sponsored by their parents and Godparents who vow to raise them in the Christian faith until they confirm the vows for themselves.
Holy Communion
All baptized Christians who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ are eligible and encouraged to receive Holy Communion at Christ Church.
All baptized Christians may publicly affirm their faith into which they were Baptized. Such is confirmed by a Bishop who prays for the Holy Spirit with the laying on of hands to empower individuals to uphold their vows and live as faithful and fruitful disciples of Christ Jesus.
A Christ-centered marriage between a man (husband) and woman (wife) is one of the strongest foundations of our Christian faith and established by God as His design for the human family. A wedding is a sacramental and covenental ceremony between a biological male and a biological female, two people created in God's image to reflect His love in their union.
Those desiring to be married at Christ Church must be members of our parish or immediate family members; who are baptized Christians; who are in regular attendance and service at a Christian Church, or desirous of becoming a Christian prior to marriage. All couples must complete pre-marital counseling with a member of our clergy in preparation for their marriage.
We honor the lives of those passing into their eternal rest with a sacred service and celebration of their new, resurrected life. Our service is guided by the rites and liturgy in the Book of Common Prayer, and is an important reminder to our loved ones of both our mortality and the divine gift of eternal life granted to those who die as believers in Christ Jesus.
All requests for clergy to administer last rites to any baptized Christian are recognized and will be accepted if clergy are available in the designated time frame. Committals in the Memorial Garden must be pre-arranged with Fr. Keith Allen, Rector.
For more information on receiving these sacraments for you or your children, please email us or call the Church Office at 772.562.8670 for an appointment with one of our clergy at least 30 days in advance (60 days in advance for weddings).